Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nasty alien creature

Logo design

Some Logo design options for Pragya TV... but it didn't pan out.. still i liked the thought behind it.

Pragya inception as a Wellness Channel firmly moves on the belief that the core of Physical, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Well being lies on thoughts. Right thoughts empower an individual to change the entire course of life through a refined and awakened mind.

Logo made for friend.. wanted something very informal.

Over seas client..

Logo design for a friend website ... A networking site for doctors and medical students all over the world.

Final design .. also for a friend.... providing door to door training in computer softwares.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Character Designs

Character design options for TV advertisement. These were not the final designs. But i liked them.

Innocent Nerd
 Nepalese Boy


A modern rendition of the Ramayan. I designed close to 80 characters for this feature film , along with the model sheets for the main characters. Ram being one of them. It is still in the making.

Arranged Marriage

Being forced into marriage the poor girl is devastated

Friday, April 16, 2010

Matte painting

Secret temple in the Himalayas.

Castle of woes

This is a photo composite matte painting created for CGTalk's Matte Painting Challenge, Natural History Museum. The objective was to take the supplied image plate and develop it into a fantasy landscape centuries from now in which nature has completely taken over.

Original Plate

 'Lost Sanctuary'


An erie church graveyard

Just getting into matte painting .. a Sci-Fi city scape.

Traditional media

A Snehal Ferrao Original...My very first attempt in acrylic.This one hangs in my house made for my dad who loves horses.
Koi... this too is an imitation of a painting I found on the net. This was my third attempt in acrylic. Made for a very close friend of mine.

Done in acrylic my second attempt in the medium .. it is an imitation of a painting I found on the internet. The detail drove me nuts!Made it for my darling sister.

Jesus Christ..Oil on Canvas

awareness campaign

Awareness Campaign done in college for print media.. magazine layout. I was inspired by a show on Oprah in which she talked about the long term effects of child sexual abuse. Done with traditional media, pencil colours n pastels. I also wrote the copy on the right.
Study of light.
Practice of rendering in PS

princess by the pond

Nofret a princess wanders off into the forest to just get away from it all. She sits by the pond to seek
solitude and pure bilss that nature provides.This painting was done in Photoshop from start to finish.
Got some photographic reference for the pose and background....wanted the painting to have a
surreal feel to it. Done in September of 2007

Belly Dancer

This was one of my very first finished artwork in PS ...About 3 years ago.